Litigation Course on Economic Crimes
The registration perdio is now open for the Litigation Course on Economic Crimes Litigation, organized by CIPCE and INECIP during the days of days 16,17 and 18 of November, 2016.
Even though there is current training on economic crimes there is a lack of courses oriented to the process of investigation regarding litigation. Through out this course, we aim to create a space for training that takes into account the complexity of litigation cases of corruption and economic crimes under adversarial systems, both during the stage of trial and during the preliminary phase of investigation.
For that, we have two experienced teachers on the subject: David Callaway, a former US federal prosecutor who was in charge of the unit of economic crimes and financial frauds in San Francisco and Sebastian Narvaja, chief prosecutor of the Special Prosecutor of the Unit for Economic Crimes in Rosario, Argentina.
If you have any query, please send us an email to: info.cipce@gmail.com