Commission at Congress - money laundering

This is the preliminary report from the Special Commission of Investigation regarding illicit operations related to money laundering, which was created on may 2000 by our National Congress. The report was known as the “Carrió report”, since congresswoman Carrió was the President of the Commission.

The objective of the Commission was to investigate and analyse all the operations related to crimes related to money laundering committed both in the public and the private sector, and the lack of control and implication by the public organisms. Also, it was in charge of investigating how the regulations and control mechanisms were avoided or disregarded by the banks and how this affected our economy. Finally, the Commission had to examine the documents sent by the US Congress, regarding the economic group “Moneta” and M.A. Bank.

CIPCE - Centro de Investigación y Prevención de la Criminalidad Económica
  Talcahuano 256 piso 2 - C1013AAF - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires - Argentina
 Teléfono: 4373-6303/04 -